Evonik Invests in Research and Development

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a framework loan of €500 million to Evonik, the second largest chemical company in Germany and one of the largest worldwide. The loan will be used to finance European research and development activities at the company.

The company says that the loan will support Next Generation Solutions, the company’s portfolio of particularly sustainable products. This portfolio currently makes up 43% of the overall revenue of Evonik, with a target of more than 50% by 2030. Next Generation Solutions include biosurfactants from Slovakia, lipid nanoparticles from Germany and membranes for gas filtration from Austria, among other products. Europe is the company’s key location for most of its research and development.

"Every day we are working on more energy-efficient, durable, bio-based and circular solutions. The financing from the EIB is a valuable recognition of our contribution to the sustainable development of Evonik and our customers," said Chief Financial Officer of Evonik Maike Schuh.

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2024-04-03 | Evonik Resource Efficiency GMBH | Germany | Views 491

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