Bradken Invest to Reduce CO2 Emissions

Mining equipment parts manufacturer Bradken Pty Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., has invested 0.49% and 0.19% in Dalavaipuram Renewables Private Limited and Watsun Infrabuild Private Limited respectively, SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) of the solar and wind power generating Continuum Green Energy (India) Group (“Continuum”), for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions at its Coimbatore facility in India. Bradken will begin using electricity generated from solar and wind power in April 2024.

As a result, approximately 13.8 GWh per year, corresponding to around 47% of the electricity consumption at the Coimbatore facility, will be covered by the solar and wind power generation supplied by Continuum. Together with the 36% of renewable electricity which was previously introduced and includes the electricity generated by solar power from the photovoltaic specialist Enerparc AG Group, the ratio of renewable electricity across the entire Coimbatore facility will increase up to the total contracted quantity of 83% and reduce annual CO2 emissions by approximately 19,200 tonnes.

The Hitachi Construction Machinery Group has set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions in its production process by 45% (compared to FY2010 levels) by FY2030. In addition, the Group is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by 2050 and will continue to promote environmentally conscious manufacturing at all foreign and domestic production sites and Group companies.

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Categories: Autonomous Vehicles Excavators Trucks - Dump 

2024-03-13 | Bradken | Australia | Views 834

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