Caterpillar Updates Mid-Sized Asphalt Compactors

Caterpillar Inc. has announced updates to its mid-sized asphalt compactor line. The Cat® CB7, CB8, and CB10 Asphalt Compactors continue to build upon the proven performance of their predecessors with edge-management options, optional cab, optional split drums, and a new mapping display.

The company report that the new mapping display provides an enhanced on-screen visual for easier recognition and touchscreen capability for simplified setup. Cat® Compact helps operators visualize the coverage area while recording pass-count and temperature data. The system utilizes infrared temperature sensors and GPS mapping to keep the operator informed of current mat temperatures, machine position, pass-count and pass coverage. This intuitive system enhances night time performance, while also capturing data for future process analysis and quality control documentation. When combined with drum edge and drum surface lighting, Cat Compact helps extend the workday and increase daily production.

Another updated feature is the dual split-drum option on the front drum which can help eliminate tears when manoeuvring around obstacles or when compacting tight turns by reducing the speed of the inner drum half. The split drum option can be a great solution for parking lots, driveway approaches, and other applications that require frequent turning, add Caterpillar.

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2024-05-28 | Caterpillar Inc | United States | Views 319

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