Dyno Nobel Introduces DigiShot® XR Series for Shock-Resistant Blasting

Dyno Nobel has announced the launch of the DigiShot® XR series, a new line of electronic detonators designed for use in extreme shock environments. The series, which includes DigiShot XR, DigiShot Plus XR, and DigiShot Plus XRS, incorporates features such as stress-relief design, component placement, and material selection to address challenges posed by high-dynamic shock and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) conditions.

The company states that the DigiShot Plus XR and DigiShot Plus XRS offer an additional 30% programmable time delay to provide enhanced flexibility in blast design. DigiShot Plus XRS is also described as having a hardened shell for added durability in demanding applications. The detonators are designed to integrate with CE4 control equipment and can be paired with TROJAN SHIELD® boosters for further shock protection.

“Eliminating misfires and ensuring detonators can perform at a high level in any environment is an essential part of safety in mining. Our unique shock-resistant detonators provide our customers with the safety and reliability they have come to expect from Dyno Nobel.” said Braden Lusk, Dyno Nobel’s Chief Technology and Marketing Officer.

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Categories: Blasting Accessories & Equipment 

2024-12-16 | Dyno Nobel | United States | Views 307

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