VMAC - Study Reveals Preference For Rotary Screw Air Compressors

VMAC surveyed the service truck industry in 2022, asking them questions about their fleets and service truck equipment. The data showed that 80% of professionals prefered rotary screw air compressors over reciprocating air compressors on their service vehicles.

When asked why they prefer rotary screw air compressors, 77% of survey respondents noted performance, 41% selected quality and reliability, and 36% said size and weight.

"Rotary screw air compressors deliver more air compared to reciprocating compressors of the same size. Mechanics and operators can complete jobs faster and without interruption because rotary screw air compressors operate at 100% duty cycle and do not require a large air receiver tank to keep up with air demand." said Gord Duval, VMAC's VP of Sales & Marketing.

For more information and to view the survey: https://www.vmacair.com/wp-content/uploads/files/State_of_the_Mobile_Compressed_Air_Industry_Survey_Results_2022.pdf?hsCtaTracking=d743d164-5fb4-4124-aa09-ac4bbd2c1688|5bf307e8-d62d-47b8-b226-40bbedec5db1


2023-01-03 | VMAC | Canada | Views 652

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