Andritz - High-throughput dewatering and cake washing with horizontal vacuum belt filter (HVBF)

In the most challenging applications, for example chemicals or mining and minerals, reliable dewatering and product recovery is critical to maintaining continuous production. This is why ANDRITZ has put decades of expertise into the Horizontal Vacuum Belt Filter (HVBF) technology, to provide a solution with the highest throughput and low residual cake moisture content, while keeping operating costs low.

The ANDRITZ horizontal vacuum belt filter uses state-of-the-art vacuum filtration technology to offer an efficient and reliable solid/liquid separation unit that is fully CE certified for dewatering and washing of slurries. With an installed base of more than 680 horizontal vacuum belt filters throughout the ANDRITZ GROUP, we have encountered some of the toughest dewatering and cake washing challenges in the industry.

Categories: Dewatering Equipment 

2021-01-21 | ANDRITZ AG, Separation | Austria | Views 1990

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