Doppelmayr Transport Technology - RPC

Doppelmayr’s RopeCon® system is an efficient and reliable means of transport for Booysendal. The system is perfectly suited for the challenging terrain. For the development of Booysendal South, the South African mining company Booysendal Platinum (Pty) Limited, a subsidiary of Northam Platinum Limited, opted for RopeCon® and therefore for a cost-efficient, reliable and safe transport solution to link an existing processing plant with the new prospects at Booysendal south. When it came to connecting Booysendal North, the company again decided to rely on a RopeCon® system. It can be perfectly integrated into the existing RopeCon® conveying line and reduces the space required on the ground. Only 7 tower locations are needed. Since early 2022, an alternative loading point was provided at tower 2 where material can be discharged directly onto the RopeCon® belt via a feeder conveyor.

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Categories: Conveyors Engineers 

2023-02-27 | Doppelmayr Transport Technology GmbH | Austria | Views 1820
