TAKRAF material handling competence for CBG's bauxite expansion project in Guinea

This video showcases TAKRAF’s integrated project delivery capability through an overview of the Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) bauxite expansion project in Guinea.

The EPC project, awarded to TAKRAF in late 2016, aims to increase bauxite exports from 13.5 mtpa to 18.5 mtpa and includes the delivery of a greenfield wagon unloading and primary crushing station, as well as a secondary crushing station and a complex brownfield conveyor system within existing facilities.

The wagon unloading system was designed and developed in collaboration with Ashton Bulk Ltd. The crushing station includes three TAKRAF sizers, a primary sizer in the pit under the dump truck and two secondary sizers. These sizers, as well as the apron feeders, were designed and manufactured at our TAKRAF Product Center in Lauchhammer, Germany.

The project has achieved a number of important milestones, primary of which being the exemplary safety record of more than 1,500,000 LTI free hours as of December 2018.

Categories: Bulk Handling Equipment Mineral - Processing Equipment 

2022-08-16 | TAKRAF GmbH | Germany | Views 1957

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