KSB to Make Investment in Frankenthal

KSB announced that they are modernising and expanding their German production facility for Eta pumps in Frankenthal with an aim to digitalised production.

The production of Eta pumps at KSB's headquarters will be expanded to become the centre of excellence for the latest generation of electronically controlled pumps in Europe say the company. KSB will be spending around 60 million euros on this over the next five years - one of the largest single investments the company has ever made. In order to remain competitive at the Frankenthal site in the future, KSB is comprehensively modernising the growing Eta production facility by 2029 in line with the latest technological and energy standards. New extensions will create space so that processing machines, assembly and logistics can be restructured and older parts of the hall can be completely refurbished before being reutilised.

"With this investment, we are making a clear commitment to Germany as a business location, knowing full well that the general conditions in Germany are difficult." said Dr Stephan Timmermann, CEO.

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2024-05-09 | KSB | Germany | Views 423

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