BinMaster Introduce the New NCR-86

The NCR-86 is the new radar from Binmaster and can be paired it with BinCloud® software to measure every solid or liquid commodity on every vessel and site with just one login.

The NCR-86 can configure to any level measurement application, measure any solid, powder, or liquid and get 1mm accuracy in material of any bulk density or specific gravity. The data updates in seconds even with dust, foam, steam, or condensation., says the company.

It offers Bluetooth setup using a BinDisc or the BinMaster Sensor App optionally connected to your phone or PC. Wireless and solar gateways, long-range transceivers, and HART consolidator modules help reduce system costs and complexity.

For more information

Categories: Bins & Tank - Level Indicators Controllers Controls Level Indicators - Liquid Level Indicators - Solid Monitors and Controls Tank Level Indicators 

2024-01-19 | BinMaster Level Controls | United States | Views 760

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