TOMRA Mining Extracting Full Value from Quartz

The global market for quartz has been growing steadily and the trend is set to continue, with a demand for increasingly high purity levels. This requirement comes from different industries, which have varying demands, so that the most precise mineral sorting is needed. This can be achieved with sensor-based color and laser sorting technologies, applied individually or in combination, explained Jens Michael Bergmann, Global Segment Manager Industrial Minerals and Carolina Vargas Area Sales Manager Europe, India and Rest of the World at TOMRA Mining explained.

TOMRA Mining say their tailored solutions combine their Color and Laser sorters to differentiate the minerals by color, composition and size to meet the specific requirements of the mining operation’s customers. This precise sorting delivers the high quality they need while reducing waste and increasing productivity.

Turkish mining company Mikroman say it is successfully using this combination of TOMRA Laser and Color sorters to differentiate products to meet the various needs of the four industries it serves: white and light grey quartz with low iron oxide content for engineered stones; grey and yellow for the glass industry; colored for the ferrosilicon and metallurgical sectors; and colored gravel for aggregates. A representative of Mikroman said: “Before having TOMRA sorters, we were worried about quality and low capacity, but now we have achieved the desired quality standard and we have seen a decrease in waste, which means productivity has increased.”

For more information

Categories: Mineral - Processing Equipment Mineral - Processing Services 

2024-06-25 | TOMRA MINING | Germany | Views 1163

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